Introducing My Blog

This year, my play The Outrage Machine won a cash prize through Essential Theatre, and I decided to use that money to invest in myself as a writer, by re-activating my New Play Exchange account, and creating a website. So here we are.

“Currently Occupying Dan’s Brainspace” will be a home for those ideas that pop into my head and won’t let go until I put them down someplace. I have several of these locked and loaded, not yet shared, saved as things like “Document6” on my laptop. There will be posts about theatre, politics, sports, food, communication, relationships, and who knows what else. I’ll put my annual inevitably grossly inaccurate NFL predictions here, and other things that I’ve previously only shared as too-long Facebook posts.

So thanks to Peter Hardy and Essential Theatre for appreciating what I wrote and making it possible for me to finally build my own website - I hope that soon they’ll be able to actually produce the play as planned! And thanks to anyone who takes the time to click and read what I have to say.



Dan’s 2020 NFL Predictions